Gallery of Ladies' Hats
An array of top hats, Deadman or low crown toppers and bowler hats created for Steampunk & vintage fashionistas.
From an actress to a comic book fan, their hats are here to view and inspire.
Please contact me to order your Tailor Made hat. The bespoke order process is very straightforward.

Gordon tartan wrapped Steampunk top hat with birdcage veil

Saffron yellow lady's bowler hat with vintage beaded sari trim

Lady's purple Steampunk top hat custom creation, colours inspired by wearer's Doc Marten boots

Texas bound, lady's Steampunk custom top hat created for a commemoration

Aubergine Steampunk top hat

Lady's vintage top hat

Alice in Wonderland inspired lady's Deadman top hat

Steampunk Border Morris dancer's hat created by Ratty Tat Hats

1960s inspired royal blue top hat

Corsetted Steampunk top hat for alternative vintage clothing model

Custom masked Steampunk Deadman topper created for local actress

Olive green and tartan top hat with Steampunk assemblage

A striking scarlet red Steampunk Deadman or low crown top hat with vintage ceremonial sari trim.

Lady's navy and magenta top hat with gathering of flowers and butterfly

Masked Mardi Gras style Steampunk top hat